Reflecting on the 2018 Sigmund Software Client Conference 

One thing was clear after the 2018 Sigmund Software Client Conference - we are all in the same boat. Read our takeaways from a fun and informative event!

If you’re like us, chances are you’ve only just now caught your breath following the 2018 Client Conference. We had a marvelous time seeing familiar faces and getting to know new ones. Thank you for attending and for giving us the opportunity to learn more about your organization’s goals and mission. 

As we look back on the conference, one remarkable thing has stuck with us. No, not the early wakeup call from the fire alarm on Tuesday. And no, it’s not even the delicious food from Carmine’s. It’s this: We’re all in the same boat. We all have the same goals and the same hopes. And yes, for a portion of the conference we also were literally on the same boat, aboard the Atlantica. But even more unifying than that is the fact that no matter where we come from—whether it’s an inpatient facility in Montana or an eating disorders clinic in South Carolina—we all want the same things. We all want what’s best for our clients, our staff, and our communities.  

One of the greatest joys we experienced at the conference was discovering that we were all in it together. We weren’t competing for the same clients, the same funding, or the same market share. We didn’t have to guard secrets or be particularly coy. We were allies. 

Whether it was discussing best practices in a breakout session or commiserating over the same challenges at lunch, we were among friends. Directors swapped stories with other directors; billing specialists traded tips for greater efficiencies. In this sense, it was so much more than a conference; it was camaraderie. 

Humans have always been at their best when they put ego and agenda aside and collaborated for the greater good. This is evidenced in everything from the Berlin airlift to the concern and support the world showed the United States after 9/11 to the way the Americans rallied around Baby Jessica when the well incident occurred in 1987. 

It was inspiring to walk past groups of heretofore strangers and hear them sharing what’s worked best for them with their organization. It was heartwarming to experience so much goodwill in one place. 

And it didn’t stop with “work.” We heard moms swap potty training tips, people dishing on the best vacation spots, and when—when we were actually all on the same boat—we’d pass familiar but unnamed landmarks and buildings, knowledge was shared about the Chrysler Building, the Brooklyn Bridge, and more.

We were thrilled to share an educational but also very meaningful client conference with you. Remember, we’re all in this together, and we all have each other’s backs.