5 Things to Keep in Mind About Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s is scary, aggressive, and brutal. However, there’s plenty to be hopeful about when it comes to slowing down or preventing the disease.

As we begin the observance of Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness month, we seem to be bombarded with scary and sad statistics: Alzheimer’s could be a global epidemic by 2050; every 65 seconds, someone in the United States develops the disease; it kills more people than breast and prostate cancer combined. 

Indeed, it would seem as if the odds are very much against us in the fight against this nasty and cruel disease. But don’t worry, the human race is never down for long, and that includes your friends at Sigmund, so we’ve put together a list of reasons to have hope that we can one day say goodbye to Alzheimer’s for good.  

We’re Not Powerless: While we haven’t cracked the code completely, we do know that there are things we can do to prevent Alzheimer’s disease. The same things that keep our hearts and bodies healthy can help keep our brain healthy: exercise, healthy diet, reducing stress, smoking cessation, and cutting out excessive drinking are all good ways to help prevent Alzheimer’s.  

New Breakthroughs Every Day: We’ve come a long way—yes, we know we say this all the time, but it’s true—from the early days when Alzheimer’s was first identified more than a century ago. Check out this list that celebrates some of the strides we’ve made in researching this disease. 

High Profile Funding and Awareness: As we posted on social media, Alzheimer’s has some solid celebrity street cred. Thanks to stars like Seth Rogen and advocates like Maria Schriver, the disease is getting attention and funding. 

We’re Finding Ways to Slow it Down: There is hope for people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s because there are things to be done to slow the progression of the disease. Treatments from medications and supplements and massage and aroma therapy have been found to help. 

Awareness is Rising—and Helping: “The more you know,” as the PSAs say. It’s corny, but it’s true. Increased awareness of Alzheimer’s and its symptoms have led to earlier diagnoses and preventative action.

Alzheimer’s is scary, aggressive, and brutal. But it doesn’t have to stay that way. We’re on our way to finding a cure, and, in the meantime, there’s plenty to be hopeful about when it comes to slowing down or preventing the disease.